1934 What Shall We Drink by Magnus Bredenbek



Slings Smashes Sours (For each of above see Miscellaneous Drinks Index)


Avoid LongToasts BanquetToasting Dinner Toasting

Responding to Toasts ShortToasts Best Sitting Toasts Standing Toasts ( 175 Toasts—WhatTheyImply] Toasts—Suggested List 175 to end When to Toast


Guests Should Respond Hostor HostessToasting Impron^tu Toasts Lifting Glassin Toasting Long Toasts(Avoid) Memorizing Toasts


Toddies (See Miscellaneous Drinks Index)

White Winesand Miscellaneous Facts

Nutritive Value of Liquors. "Overproof"—What it Means Principal Sparkling Wines. "Proof"—WhatIt Means.. Pouring Wines—^Etiquette. Sparkling—Why^Called. Specific Gravity of Spirits.. Sweet Wines—Why So Called Sweet White Wines With Desserts Temperatures for White Wines—Must not Usurp Place ofRed Wines Why Called Dry,Sweet,etc "Reinforced" Wines Rules of Wine Usage

Alcohol by Volume Explained Alcohol by Weight Ex plained 138 Alcoholic ContentTable.... 139 Aperitifs or Appetizers(Dif fering Ideas) 134 Colors of"White Wine".... 135 Cordials(Value of) 138 Dry White Wines and Food 134 Dry Wines(Why So Called) 136 Etiquette of Pouring 137 Foods Suitable With 134-5 Foods to Avoid With 134 "Fortified" Wines 137 Light White Wines 135 Nutritive Value of Wines... 137 138


140 136 140 137 140 137 136 140


135 135

134 136

Wine Making Recipes ^pui Wine..... 162 Flavoring Wines

163 159

Blackberry(How Made).. Cherry(How Made) Dandelion(How Made)... Elderberry(How Made)..

Grape(How Made)

160 162 161 160

R aisin(How Made) 161 Rhubarb(How Made) 162

General Observations Mcohol(Historic Facts).... 171 Bible on Alcohol Ale(ForAppetiteandElimi nation) 172 Anemia 173 Beer (For Appetite and Elimination) 172 Blood Building

171 173 172 172 173 173

Colds(Hot Drinks For)... Defense of Temperance... Fatigue Fevers(Cold Drinks For).

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