AOAC OMB Final Action Recommendation (December 2019)-2016.14

2016.14 (October 2019) – FOS-03 MANUSCRIPT


Abstract 1 The method Fructans in Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals by Anion-Exchange- 2 Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection after Enzymatic Treatment received First 3 Action status from AOAC in 2016, becoming method 2016.14. In order to determine repeatability 4 and reproducibility data, a collaborative study was organized, to which 14 laboratories from 11 5 different countries participated. The study was divided in two parts. After having communicated 6 results within expected range on a practice sample (part 1) the participants were invited to analyse 7 eight blind duplicate samples of infant formula and adult nutritional products (part 2). The majority 8 of the participating laboratories applied modifications to the protocol, especially in terms of 9 chromatographic conditions. Twelve laboratories managed to provide results on time for reporting. 10 Out of the eight samples tested, precision results for five samples met the requirements of the 11 Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPR 2014.002), with RSD r ranging from 3.60 % 12 to 4.25 % and RSD R ranging from 5.90 % to 11.7 %. The practice sample also met the requirements 13 of SMPR 2014.002, with RSD r and RSD R of 2.53 % and 6.70 % respectively. For the three test 14 samples that did not meet the requirements, the precision results ranged from 2.27 % to 7.65 % for 15 RSD r and from 12.8 % to 15.1 % for RSD R . After review, the AOAC SPIFAN ERP (Stakeholder 16 Panel for Infant Formula and Adult Nutritional Expert Review Panel) concluded that the data 17 presented mostly met the SMPR and hence recommended that the method to be advanced for 18 adoption as an AOAC Final Action method in March 2019. 19 Introduction 20 Fructans are a class of carbohydrate polymers composed predominantly of fructose monomers. 21 In the food industry the inulin-type fructans, which are composed predominantly of β-2,1-linked 22 fructose units, are widely used as a source of dietary fibre or prebiotics and have been associated 23 with a number of health benefits (1-3). A number of analytical methods have been developed for 24 the analysis of fructans in food products and have been extensively discussed in previous papers 25 (4, 5). Historically only two official methods for the determination of fructans in food products 26


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