54 Section 54 Section 54

A NMUTH M EDICAL I n t e r n a t i o n a l

Mouth Gags Abre-Bocas Apribocca

54-315-03 Fig. 3

54-315-02 Fig. 2

54-315-01 Fig. 1

KILNER-DOUGHTY 54-315-00 Complete

54-315-10 Gag O nly

Abre-boca solo Apribocca solo

54-317-00 Complete with 3 interchangeable tongue depressors, 2 rotating cheek holders 2 movable tooth hooks and thread guide con 3 baja lenguas intercambiables, 2 valvulas giratorias p. las labios, 2 ganchos graduables con 3 depressori intercambiabili, 2 valve laterali rotative 2 uncini a denti movibile e guida dentale

24 x 62 mm 54-317-01


28 x 65 mm 54-317-02


31 x 75 mm 54-317-03

DINGMAN 54-317-10 Gag O nly Abre-boca solo, Apribocca solo


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