76 Section Section 76

R otating R ectal Biopsy Specimen Forceps, Hemorrhoidal Forceps Pinzas para biopsia rectal, giratoria, Pinzas-clamps hemorroidales Pinze taglienti per biopsia rettale, rotante, Pinze per emorroidi A NMUTH M EDICAL I n t e r n a t i o n a l

Rotating giratoria rotante

YEOMAN 76-311-23 23 cm, 9“ 76-311-33 33 cm, 13“ 76-311-40 40 cm, 15.4“

Rotating giratoria rotante

TURREL 76-321-23 23 cm, 9“ 76-321-33 33 cm, 13“ 76-321-40 40 cm, 15.4“

HEYWOOD-SMITH 76-402-21 21 cm, 8 1 / 4 “ 76-402-25 25 cm, 10“



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