90 Section Section 90

A NMUTH M EDICAL I n t e r n a t i o n a l

Trays, Bowls Bandejas Bacinelle

1 Liter = 33.8 oz 1.5 oz = 50 ml 2 oz = 75 ml 3 oz = 100 ml 4 oz = 150 ml

18/10 Stainless Steel Acero inoxidable Acciajo inossidabile

S atin F inish pulidas mate opaco


S izes in mm

C apacity

S izes in mm C apacity Tamaños en mm capacidad misura in mm capacità Ø x h Liter 40 x 19 0 . 05

Tamaños en mm


misura in mm


Liter 0 . 15

Ø x h

110 x 28

90-127-04 90-127-06 90-127-08 90-127-11 90-127-12 90-127-14 90-127-16 90-127-18

0 . 07 0 . 14 0 . 35 0 . 45 0 . 70 1 . 10 1 . 60

61 x 30 80 x 40 116 x 50 128 x 55 147 x 65 167 x 75 187 x 85

90-139-17 170 x 100 x 35 mm 0 . 50 Liter 90-139-25 250 x 140 x 40 mm 1 . 25 90-139-27 275 x 150 x 45 mm 2 . 25

mm Liter 90-133-16 165 x 60 0 . 75 90-133-17 175 x 70 1 . 00 90-133-22 220 x 80 2 . 00 90-133-23 225 x 90 2 . 50 90-133-24 240 x 110 3 . 00 90-133-25 255 x 115 4 . 00 90-133-27 275 x 115 4 . 50 90-133-31 310 x 120 6 . 00 90-133-34 345 x 125 8 . 50 90-133-38 380 x 130 11 . 00



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