90 Section 90 Section 90

A NMUTH M EDICAL I n t e r n a t i o n a l

Tubing Clamp, Decimal S pring C aliper, Forceps Holder Pinzas para tubos, calibrador decimal, Cadres de estérilizacion Morsetti serratubi, compasso, pinze per sterilizzazione

SIMPLEX 90-265-12

HOFFMAN 90-260-13 13 mm 90-260-17 17 mm 90-260-20 20 mm 90-260-25 25 mm 90-260-30 30 mm 90-260-40 40 mm

BUNT 34-150-12 12 cm, 4 3 / 4 “

0 - 10 mm

MAYO 34-152-14 14 cm, 5 1 / 2 “

IWANSON 90-270-15

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