2016 Spring Newsletter

MINI MINUTES ć F GPMMPXJOH BSF IJHIMJHIUT PG &YFDVUJWF BOE %JSFDUPS meetings, for your information, and a way to let you (a member) in on the workings JANUARY ć F 1SFTJEFOU BOOPVODFE UIBU ,BOTBT %BZ XJMM CF DFMF brated at the Paola High School on January 30. We plan on having a table and will display some Indian history and some artifacts. ć F DPOUSBDUPST BSF PO TDIFEVMF PO XPSL JO UIF "NFS ican Indian room. Discussion on ceiling fans and the In dian village mural. LeAnne discussed a couple of books she thought would be helpful with information on Indi ans in the time frame we are working with. Motion was made seconded and passed to purchase these books. FEBRUARY . It was reported that the Transient Guest Tax grant was UVSOFE EPXO GPS UIJT UJNF ć F NVTFVN XJMM BQQMZ BHBJO 4PNF TIFMWJOH XBT PČ FSFE UP VT GSPN UIF ESVH TUPSF and it was moved and put in our basement for possible future use. *U XBT SFQPSUFE UIBU UIF DPOUSBDUPST TIPVME CF ĕ OJTIFE CZ UIF FOE PG UIF NPOUI 8F BSF TFOEJOH PVS ĕ OBM HSBOU request to the Baehr Foundation. ć F 7JTJPO DPNNJUUFF GPS UIF *OEJBO SPPN XJMM NFFU every Monday morning to do planning for the displays. Discussion on updating the By-Laws. Ann Davis passed out the current ones and lengthy discussion followed. More will be done at the next meeting MARCH It was reported that we received a $1,000 grant from 8BMNBSU GPS UIF *OEJBO SPPN QSPKFDU ć F #VEHFU GPS 2016 that was discussed last month was approved. A copy of the By-Laws and changes were handed out. We will have discussion on them next month Patsy Bortner has started roughing in the Indian Village NVSBM JO UIF *OEJBO 3PPN ć F EPPS JT OPX PQFO TJODF BMM UIF QBJOUJOH BOE TBOEJOH JT ĕ OJTIFE ć F DPOUSBDUPST BSF ĕ OJTIFE XJUI UIF XPSL Discussion on the need for a new monitor for the secu rity cameras Several sources will be looked at.

Accessions David Zimmerman - Family history, framed civil war discharge Janet Santacrose 1914 Paola dipolma & 2 photos. Laverve Delhopper - St Frances No 150 MBA1881 Paola Mildred Haley Abstract J ohnClark -Abstract Max Pointer Family - Book, “Coming of Age in the Forties” and Paola Class roster 1945 JoAnn Fuller/Randy Moser - Family history photo book Richard Butler - Bylaws St Klmn Commandery. Julie Erickson - Friendship Quilt made by her grand mother of the Russell Family, 1891 marriage license and some obits. Accessions Coordinator- Bernice Chitwood VOLUNTEER and VISITOR REPORT December 2015 through February 2016 Betty Bendorf, Patsy Bortner, Jim Bousman, Bernice Chit wood, Vera Dakin, Luanne Debrick, Pat Erickson, Colleen Ewan, Nina Gerken, Mildred Haley, Iris Kluber, Larry -ZCBSHFS 3JUB .PPSF -MPZE 1FDLNBO ć FSFTB 3FBE "OO Roark, Rob Roberts, LeAnne Shields and Elsie Cordle and Roger Shipman Volunteers - 19

Hours - 1,123 Board Meeting Members attending - 16 Hours 52

Total Hours - 1,175

Visitors - December 2015 - February 2016 - 212

States Represented - Florida, Kansas, Missouri



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