2019 Winter Newsletter

1919--100 YEARS OF RECOGNITION DUE WOMEN IN MIAMI COUNTY In 1919, 100 years ago, the U S. Constitution saw the ad dition of the 19th Amendment---Women’s Suffrage. Efforts had been made during Reconstruction after the Civil War to include women’s rights with the “Black Amendments”, 13 15th, that ended slavery, provided black citizenship and the vote. However, the inclusion of women’s right to vote was not approved until after WWI. It did not equalize their rights in all areas of government, and some would argue it still is lacking in equal rights for women. On the wall in our Museum is an article recognizing “Liv ing Heroes” of Miami County, dated 1927. Included in the pictures are 38 men. No Women. Surely there were some women who were heroes as well! In reviewing the history of our county, many women come to mind and were sug gested as candidates for recognition. We cannot list all, but one will be identified as a hero because of the life she lived and the contribution she made to our community. She was smart, organized, a business success, a philanthropist and an equal to any man in her contributions. Berenice Boyd Wallace was born in 1903 and was to be an only child of E.S. & Sara McLachlin Boyd. She attended Paola Schools and eventually college, graduating with a degree from the University of Michigan. She taught English and Lat in for a few years before marrying Clyde Wallace of Ottawa, Kansas. That marriage lasted less than a year with his ear ly death. She then returned to Paola to assist her father in his Paola Lumber and Coal business. In 1941 her father died and she became the owner and manager of the com pany. She continued to bring success to the company over the next 50 years, until her death. Few names of women or men could match her zeal or influence in her community during her life. She was born into wealth, but lived a conservative life and shared her fortune with friends, employees, and commu nity. She lived a life of focus and benevolence---she lived a pledge she taught in her Sunday school class and to her employees, and to her friends. She served on the Paola Library Board---created a founda tion for its support. She taught Sunday school at the First Presbyterian Church and served as a ruling elder. She was an active member of PEO, Mum Club, American Legion Aux iliary, and was a major contributor toward the Kellogg Eye Center at the U. of Michigan, and the Eye Foundation at Kansas University. She was known to privately donate funds for the youth, the needy with free coal, paid college tuition, clothes, shoes, and grants to scouts and many civic groups functions.

Berenice Boyd Wallace

In her love of service to others she donated to Lakemary Center, Ursuline Academy, Miami County Museum, Men ninger Foundation, Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, Linwood College, Ottawa University, Cottey College, Paola Cultur al Center, the Presbyterian and Methodist Churches; and upon her death in her will donated funds to almost all civic clubs and organizations. In her Will she bequeathed to al most 100 employees, friends and relatives a portion of her wealth. She was recognized with special civic awards sever al times, but was humble and private in many of her gifts. She lived a life of giving both financially and of herself to others. She loved her community, her successful business, youth, and tried to maintain a life dedicated to serving and her “Pledge”. She died in 1991, an equal to any Paola Hero. Larry Lybarger, Information provided by articles in the Western Spirit by Sarah Maloney, remembrances of friends, K U. Library’s Berenice Wallace Collection, the Miami County Museum Li brary and from her final will. That relieves pain or poverty, or sickness or distress, That makes the world a happier place to live in, That teaches others to know more, And especially to love more, That is my pledge.” MY PLEDGE “I pledge myself to do for others Such work as Jesus would do if he were here in person anything, however simple, that brightens Even an hour of another’s life,

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