Chewin The Cud - May 19, 2021

added. Young people, from the ages of 10 to 19, are invited to the four day camp. Events are to in- clude horsemanship, goat tying, breakaway roping, pole bending and barrel racing. “Youth can come together to experience spir- itual, relational and physical activities which are prevalent in traditional Bible camps,” Andrea said. “Those with cowboy and cow- girl inspirations are provided opportunity for enhancing knowledge and abilities in the

Rodeo Bible Day Camp To Help Develop Youth Rodeo And Horsemanship Skills While Building Stronger Faith By Frank J. Buchman “Youth have the opportunity to learn about the sport of rodeo while developing a rela- tionship with Jesus.” It’s the Rodeo Bible Day Camp sponsored by the Crossroads Cowboy Church, June 23-26, at Triple C Arena in Williamstown. Location is at the crossroads of Highway 24 and High- way 59. “My husband Rod has served as pastor here for about a year,” said Andrea Madding. “The adjacent arena serves as an outreach to the community, while this camp extends our faith building efforts to youth.” Crossroads Cowboy Church started having tent services in 2009. “The church moved into the current building east of Perry in Jan- uary 2010,” Andrea said. “While catering to those of the Western lifestyle, everybody is welcomed and encouraged to attend our ser- vices.” Appropriately named the Triple C Arena after Crossroads Cowboy Church, the quality-con- structed contiguous facilities host many horse-related events. “It is a uniquely ideal layout to bring a broad spectrum of people closer to our Lord Jesus Christ,” Andrea

Western and rodeo cul- ture.” Participants will bring their own horses which must have current negative

Coggins test papers. “All levels of riders are wel- come,” Andrea insisted.

Threemeals are to be provided each day start- ing at 8 o’clock, and concluding at 7 o’clock. “However with the rodeo at 6 o’clock Satur- day evening, we will finish up with awards about 9 o’clock,” Andrea noted. Horses can remain at the arena throughout the camp, but there will be no overnight lodg- ing for most campers. “An exception is being made for those from a distance who can stay in their trailers,” Andrea added. “Highly qualified instructors are being con - tracted for each event,” Andrea assured. “However, such a camp cannot function with- out many volunteers. Those desiring to help should feel free to contact us. “All volunteers will undergo a background check to ensure the safety for all of our camp- ers,” she added. In addition to event instruction, special games and activities are planned to increase enjoyment of campers. “Daily chapel ser- vices and small group devotions are planned as an integral part of the experience,” Andrea emphasized.

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