Everything Horses and Livestock® Magazine

Everything Horses and Livestock Magazine ®

Everything Horses and Livestock Magazine ®

Living Life Ranch

FBEAP employ’s intentional interaction with horses that create opportunities to expose unhealthy patterns of thought and behavior in real time. This program is a tool that allocates lies we have believed to be true and replaces them with Truth that sets us free. The exercises we provide with horses create opportunity to expose unhealthy lies, and through the Holy Spirit healing will begin. Jayne writes what the FBEAP experience is like from a facilitator’s point of view: When I facilitate a session with the clients and the horses, the most amazing thing happens! Through the different activities with the horse, the client is able to see first-hand some strongholds they have been holding on to. It is a beautiful thing to witness someone let go of hurts and

My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways, declares the Lord. As the Heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts Isaiah 55 8-9 May 2021

When going through a bad experience no matter what level of “bad” you want to call it. We have it in our memory banks. An imprint that we may not even consciously realize is there. Every individual is different some of us push it so far back in our mind that we don’t remember. But it’s there. Thoughts can be dangerous when not controlled. We can be fooled into believing terrible lies. Our thoughts control our feelings. God warns us more than once about not letting Satan in our minds. Anything bad that comes into your mind is not coming from God. For example: “No one cares”, “No one loves me”, “I’m ugly”, “I’m a fat pig”, “I’m such a loser”. No matter if it is a thought, or if it is coming out of someone else’s mouth, when someone says to you; “You’re never going to be anything”, “What is wrong with you are you stupid?” “You are Worthless”, it’s a Lie. I promise you 100% that all those terrible statements are lies. God loves us and communicates with love.

Satan is using a moment in time to send you a negative thought. He will help you dream up a complete lie about someone else and he will have your thoughts going in a bad way quick. Next thing you know, you

I don’t care who you are, it hurts when unkind thoughts or statements from others, come

Father you could ever have. Our Father of Heaven and Earth is our Truth. He will show you the way as you walk this earth, just ask for him to come into your heart and forgive you of your sins. Get into his word and you will gain peace and strength that you never had without him. He will show you the truth just ask him and listen.

Living Life Ranch is a place set aside for people of all ages to come and experience the healing power of love through a hands-on experience with horses. We are using horses to expose lies and bring truth that sets the captive free. Faith Based Equine Assisted Philosophy is the new program we have implemented this year.

into our minds. They can’t be taken back once they have been said to you. Satan loves to destroy our confidence and self- esteem. God’s love restores our confidence and self-esteem.

WE CURRENTLY PROV IDE . . . L e s s on s Ho r s e Expe r i en c e s I nd i v i dua l and g r oup s e s s i on s COMING SPR ING/ SUMMER 2021 I nd i v i dua l and Gr oup Ho r s e Expe r i en c e s Co r po r a t e l eade r s h i p / t eambu i l d i ng day s Ch i l d r en ' s day c amp s


will be believing that someone is negatively visualizing you in your thoughts. That is the trap, you don’t even know anything for a fact. Has this happened to you? If you allow this to happen, he will ruin your relationships whether friend, family or life partner. If you listen to God, he will bring you truth, love and peace and keep you united. Satan uses others to hurt you this same way. If these kinds of statements, any kind of harsh or cruel words are used towards you, they are upsetting.

Pr i c e : Va r i e s


I’m writing this today to tell you God Loves you and when you are under attack seek him. Don’t let ugly lies get into your mind. Know that you are loved by the greatest, most important


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