Mini Mag Feb 5 2021

‘Premier All-Breed Horse Exposition’ Is Equifest Of Kansas At Salina By Frank J. Buchman

Just about everything anybody would want to know about horses is set for Salina. It’s the 24 th annual Equifest of Kansas, according to Justine Staten, executive director of the Kansas Horse Council (KHC). The “Kansas’ Premier All-Breed Horse Fair & Exposition” will be at Tony’s Pizza Events Center and Saline County Expo Center March 5-6-7. “No stretch of the imagination there’ll be educational and fun activities for everybody with the slightest affection for horses,” Staten assured. “Equifest serves as the main fundraiser for the KHC serving all levels and interests of horse enthusiasts.” Featured clinicians are Chris Cox, Robin Groves, and Jackie Jatzlau. “We are so excited to have such a top lineup of clinicians,” Staten pointed out. However, probably anticipated most of all is the wall-to-wall shopping for anything to do with horses and the Western way of life. Silent auction of donated artwork, tack and horse-related specialties will be ongoing as an additional KHC fundraising. Also, on the tightly packed three-day schedule will be the second annual Legendary Kansas Horsemen’s Panel along with cowboy poetry and music. Tom and Pat Seay representing Best of America by Horseback will present one of several special workshops.

Justine Staten is executive director of the Kansas Horse Council sponsoring the Equifest f Kansas at Salina March 5-6-7.

The Nicodemus Buffalo Soldiers Association formed in 1995, by Commander Barrie Tomkins, plans to present re- enactments. “Everybody anticipates the Breed Challenge,” Staten said. “There’ll be horses of all sizes and colors with an educational and fun review of their breed history.”

Children are the future of everything horses and with that in mind the Kid’s Corral is an annual attraction.

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