Mini Mag Feb 16 2021

Nothing appeared damaged so two gallons of straight antifreeze were added to the radiator and again given warmup time. Believe it or not, the red bent up pickup made it to the mechanic’s shop without further issues. Seemingly living right for a while, the next morning all went awry again with a much more serious problem. There wasn’t any water when the faucet was turned on to make coffee. Without home water is bad but real concern was the 50 head of first calf heifers in the barnyard corral. Sure enough all three hydrants were frozen with bleak outlook for possibility of thawing out any pipes. However, heat lamps were brought out in full force and after several hours water did start running. Thirsty livestock was amply watered as additional insulation was placed over every known wind leak to prevent further freeze up. Still there was concern about water for the remaining livestock in a half dozen locations. Fortunately, the replacement heifer water pump worked without a hitch as did the new rural water faucet installed days earlier. A couple of natural springs still had a trickle, but several frozen ponds took considerable chopping to find water. Reminded of Wisdom 16:29: “Ice of winter shall perish and water flows.” +++ALLELUIA+++ XV--7--2-24-2021

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