Mini Mag Feb 16 2021
By Erin Glassman
For those of you with a connection to children and have seen the movie Frozen, you may have also wondered if Elsa was hanging out and avoiding her medications this last week or so here in Kansas.
The drastic swing in temperatures has definitely put a hitch in a lot of our get alongs! To be quite honest, I really had thought we were mostly going to escape a harsh winter, especially as we started rounding into February without too many heinously cold days in our wake.
As the cold started rolling in, things didn’t seem too bad at first. Chop a little ice here, roll out a little extra hay there...horses, cattle, birds, and all were quite cozy.
Those of us with varying numbers of livestock, from just one or two to thousands of animals know that there is no break, no snow day, no day off period when it comes to the care of our wards. In fact, the work goes from busy to insane in these extreme weather conditions.
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