Wanderlust in the Time of Coronavirus (A GeoEx eBook)

Wanderlust in the Time of Coronavirus

Wanderlust in the Time of Coronavirus

my neighborhood and in my imagination. For the latter, we at GeoEx will do our best in the weeks to come to nurture your wanderlust with inspiring travel photos, tales, and videos, all to celebrate the ordinary and extraordinary riches of this planet we share and to prime you for the blessed moment when we are once again able to venture out there. What about you? I would love to know what you’re doing to keep your wanderlust alive. What books are you reading, films are you watching, songs are you listening to? What other wanderlust-whetting suggestions do you have to share? Please email them to me at don@geoex.com. Together we can turn this imposed isolation into a community celebration. I look forward to traveling with you! Finally, in this time of global suspension and unease, I want to thank you, as always, for sharing your passion and trust with us, around the world and online. I believe firmly that we will eventually emerge from this wiser and stronger than ever before, and more keenly aware of the precious interconnectedness of our planet. With this in mind, I remain yours in wanderlust, even—or especially—in challenging times!



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