VMANYC Newsletter - October 2021


Look for third party laboratory verifica�on of product quality and safety such as: NASC, cGMP, USP (United States Pharmacopeia). In addi�on, choose supplements that have been tested not just in vitro, but in vivo with robust randomized controlled clinical trials, ideally in the species you are using the product and for treat­ ment of the same intended condi�on. Addi�onal resources include Consumer Lab, which provides independ­ ent tes�ng of dietary supplements for a small annual fee (www.consumerLab.com), and the Dietary Supple­ ment Label Database (DSLD) that is maintained by the Na�onal Ins�tutes of Health (www.dsld.nlm.nih.gov). Also, prac��oners should help guide and educate owners regarding searching the internet for new products. Websites that are intended to educate (such as university, government or health agency) are more reputable than websites maintained by the manufacturer that are intended to sell a product. In addi�on, consumers are encouraged to verify the validity of listed studies and understand that consumer anecdotes of “miracle cures” can be wri�en by anyone and are generally not verifiable. 1. Liu X, Machado GC, Eyles JP, et al. Dietary supplements for trea�ng osteoarthri�s: a systema�c review and meta - analysis. Br J Sports Med 2018;52:167 - 175. 2. Vandeweerd JM, Coison C, Clegg P, et al. Systema�c review of efficacy of nutraceu�cals to allevi­ ate clinical signs of osteoarthri�s. J Vet Intern Med 2012;26:448 - 456. 3. Comblain F, Serisier S, Barthelemy N, et al. Review of dietary supplements for the management of osteoarthri�s in dogs in studies from 2004 to 2014. J Vet Pharmacol Ther 2016;39:1 - 15. 4. O'Conner A. New York a�orney general targets supplements at major retailers. New York Times . February 3, 2015. h�ps://well.blogs.ny�mes.com/2015/02/03/new - york - a�orney - general - targets - supplements - at - major - retailers. Accessed May 2019. 5. Tucker J, Fischer T, Upjohn L, et al. Unapproved pharmaceu�cal ingredients included in dietary supplements associated with US Food and Drug Administra�on warnings. JAMA Netw Open 2018;1 (6):e183337. REFERENCES

Mike Marder Retires After 60 Years in the Profession

OCTOBER, 2021, VOL. 61, NO. 3


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