The NEBB Professional 2024 - Quarter 2

Letter from the Editor

Welcome to the second issue of the NEBB Professional Magazine for the year 2024! Can you believe we are already approaching the midpoint of 2024? This quarter, we're turning our focus to Sound and Vibration, spotlighting the pivotal role they play in the building industry and the indoor environment. Presented by NEBB’s Sound and Vibration Committee, our feature article on page 9 covers the nuances of this critical discipline.

Further examining the impact of sound on our surroundings, Evan Benway’s article on page 14 discusses workplace productivity and efficiency. Regardless of your current specialization, these insights offer valuable guidance for optimizing workplace environments, fostering harmony and productivity. As we anticipate the 2024 NEBB Annual Conference in the latter half of the year, those preparing to make the trip to Phoenix can read up on the Valley of the Sun on page 34. Once again, I extend my sincere gratitude to our contributors whose invaluable involvement shapes the direction of our magazine and enriches our collective knowledge. The NEBB Professional thrives on contributions from industry leaders and experts, allowing decades of meaningful experience to be shared with all. As you engage with this issue, consider how these insights can drive improvements in your engineering and construction projects, and perhaps whether you have tips or lessons learned that could benefit the NEBB community. Whether you're embarking on your career journey or nearing retirement, your professional perspective holds the potential to inspire and support others. Please reach out to me at to share your experiences, ideas, articles, or feedback. Let's harness the power of collective knowledge to propel our professional growth, together. Kerri Souilliard, Editor

Share Your Ideas! The NEBB Professional is a hub of peer tips and expertise, case studies and experiences, upcoming industry trends, and more. Share your story ideas today, so we can help you turn it into an article tomorrow.


The NEBB Professional | Quarter 2 | 2024


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