God's Plan For Man html

What Is Man That You Care For Him?

To understand God’s plan, one needs to understand what occurred at the beginning of time. Subsequently, scriptural details articulate every part of the Plan. Before God created mankind, he created the angelic and revealed to the angels the final objective of His plan: the angelic would, in time, bow to mere man. Having free will, the angelic perceived the mind of God, as the angelic is privileged to do, but Lucifer [Satan] hesitated to submit. God, as omniscient, foreknew Lucifer would dissent, so Lucifer experienced perfect justice. No longer perfect, Lucifer was cast down to the earth and held bound. Lucifer fell from the highest place—being the brightest morning star—to a position of darkness. Lucifer realized the full effects of Divine justice. Lucifer assumed that mankind, made a little lower than heavenly beings, should experience perfect justice as well, so the task was to deceive mankind, causing disobedience in order to exact justice. However, at that stage, Satan did not completely comprehend the limits of perfect justice, because an element of perfect justice is mercy; mercy mitigates perfect justice as applied to imperfect man. An imperfect state does not deserve harsh, perfect justice because the imperfect state is created imperfect to acquire perfection. Once perfect, however, Divine justice must prevail. Divine Law is perfectly just, not man-made law, so perfect justice is rendered accordingly. In other words, God desires a positive result, and not a negative consequence. However, a negative consequence may be a reality of choice, and perfect justice must be rendered accordingly. God desires mercy, not


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