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Roman world. Following the victory, Constantine never exhibited an open reverence of Jesus, and the symbolism Christians used while underground during the great persecutions. It becomes glaringly obvious that the feigned vision and dream brought the true Christians and the pagans together, under a political pretense of being one spiritual body or church. The impure seed enveloped the pure seed [true followers of Jesus]—a political victory. With the names changed, the pagan statues and symbols, as well as the festivals, were combined and thence known as Holy days. The original church leaders assisted, thinking all was in good order. Over the centuries many were taught to blindly follow the Roman church, even though many holy people protested the validity of the imperfections and affairs of the church. The misunderstanding about Christianity today is a direct result of the feigned vision and dream. The persecutions ceased, seemingly a good thing, yet the political decree changed the small Christian world, and enabled a pagan Christian world to begin. Once the dastardly deed was completed, pagan images became supposedly holy objects; pagan rituals were intertwined with holy days; and Constantine won a political victory using the foundation of Christianity to gather the multitudes. To exemplify further, pagans had spring festivals that celebrated the ancient Anglo- Saxon/Germanic fertility goddess Eastre or Eostra, which included customs involving eggs and rabbits. The English word for Easter derived from that goddess. The Christian holiday, which celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, incorporates many of the customs practiced in ancient pagan traditions. Spiritual contemplation regarding the vision and dream should have superseded the political decree. The pure seed should have remained faithful. However, the early church and theologians apparently saw fit to accept the convergence of authority over the Pagans. The supposed vision of ' Chi-Ro ', the symbol of Christ, was not a gift from God in the upper case, but certainly from the lower case god! They proclaimed Constantine to be a saintly figure. If Jesus were the Christ as the dream portrayed, He would have appeared to His Apostles, and pronounced He was the Christ following His Resurrection. However, Jesus appeared as He was, and His appearance would never be contrary to the truth according to His testimony. Jesus appeared as He was − but never proclaimed that He was Christ—He proclaimed that He was the Father, and His Christ [son of man] would


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