God's Plan For Man html

“He wh o l o v e s me w i l l b e l o v e d b y my Fa t h e r , and I t o o w i l l l o v e h im and s h ow My s e l f t o h im. ” (John 14: 21)

PART III The son — Second Time (Father, son and Spirit — Three as One)

Chapter 8

Third Time (An Age—Time Period)

Time Is Not Endless – It has a spiritual beginning and completion

Time has certain significant restraints, but it is unlimited all the same. What we do with the time allotted is of great importance, and too many people squander the time given. Reading the scriptures allows us to fly through time, but the past is a prediction for today. Therefore, the past has a greater relevance for today, so we can understand the purpose of life more clearly. The scriptures can be divided into three time periods. We’re approaching the end of the second time period, and preparing to go into the third and final time. What we do in this time period is critical, because time will be extended for a small number of people; for most, eternity is next. Many are called and few are chosen, because most people have not found the relevance of choice; they assume all will end perfectly, regardless of their choices. The limitation of time has the greatest concern related to human mortality, or immortality, as we know it—a spiritual timeless dimension understood as eternity. Time, as we know it pertains only to a temporary state, perhaps like


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