God's Plan For Man html

status. What makes the difference and substantiates good is what is on the inside of a person, not what is on the outside. Skin pigmentation does have a value in accord, but the value is in concert with the evolution of natural life, and the distinctive characteristics are relative to each individual. This is not saying that creation is justified according to the theory of evolution associated with humans. That theory is evil’s desire to mislead. Therefore, the pigmentation of skin relative to the environment within which individual races naturally evolved over time? It seems to me that diet, climate, and genetics follow those developmental changes for the good of each individual and race. I find it difficult to believe that a white or fair-skinned person could exist in the tropics or that life would evolve retaining only the fair color skin over time; it must be changed for the individual good. These physical characteristics must have been given as a gift from God to sustain life, not as a means of argument or prejudice. They are passed on genetically and merely reflect the different aspects of our original beginnings. What God creates should not be changed, for it is perfectly arranged. Merely changing the exterior is not the answer—that is a pretense. However, individuals should maintain what they are physically given. One’s spiritual countenance is directly contingent on the inner man’s perception of morality. In essence, the interior state of the soul and mind is the only difference. We should not experiment on genetics to try to improve them or change the color of our hair or facial features to please another. We all carry baggage from the past misgivings of those who preceded us, and we carry the correctness within the genetics that were passed on. The way a person thinks makes a difference, for the eye is the window to the soul. In the same way, one should not change religious beliefs to impress or please another. We must persist in testing and being tested, so the truth will be found and made complete. Why should any religious belief, race, or ethnic origin change except to improve the inner spiritual person? Remember, improve who you are so you will become all that God wants you to become. Be sure that the light within is not darkness, and determine the depth of the darkness so it may become light. The more you are who you are, the more you can improve on what is carried forward, and the more unique you are regardless of the external wrappings. You cannot improve on what God has already made, except to be more loving and understanding of His Divine Will. So, be certain of the truth and make only the interior changes necessary to acquire more, and express the


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