God's Plan For Man html

Satan’s period will end, and its head will be crushed, the ultimate spiritual achievement; in the time period that follows mankind will rest. The time period revealed or referred to in Daniel and Revelation, known as “time”, “times”, and “half a time” are representative of periods of time; they generally conform to the explanation provided in Genesis. For the sake of explaining the three time periods, 1,000 years is like one day to God. So, it is normal for us to divide the three time periods into years, as we know them: 1,000 years for “ t ime” ; or, 2,000 years for “ t ime s” ; or, 1,000 years for “ha l f a t ime” [half the period “times”]. Mankind will rest during the “half a time” period because Satan will be defeated, chained, and held in abeyance at the conclusion of the sixth day or period. We are living in the end of “times”! At the conclusion of this period, [on the seventh day], those remaining on the earth will be delivered from evil, and they will be without temptation or deceptiveness of Satan. Thus, the Sabbath is the day of rest, and that day or period will be Holy because we will be Holy. Holiness is a state of spirituality, and we will be Holy because the Father is Holy! Satan will no longer have any hold or influence upon this spiritual body. This is precisely what Jesus meant when He said, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.” (Mark 2: 27-28) Me r e Man is Lord of the Sabbath, at a time period, as if the period is a day or known as the seventh day. In this time period or at the conclusion of the Sabbath time period, Jesus will honor those who have completed God’s plan, returning as He said He would. Creation is conceptually a method where something exists evolving as an effect of the cause, the exact details which may be beyond mere human understanding, but worth pondering also. The details about time, in relation to creation, are worth pondering. Time, as we know time, is a measurement; time has a beginning and end. Each day begins and ends, and a new beginning unfolds into another day, a month into a year. How we consider or use the scriptures to comprehend literally the significance of time or days to calculate the beginning, end and new beginning. The more accurate our comprehension the more relevant is the mind of God. Time is a fundamental element of life’s expectancy or mortality; the desire of immortality is timeless. Time, clearly, is a measurement most relevant to our human condition. Certainly, time may be more applicable to an imperfect state compared to a perfect state and the limits thereof. Time is not a plausible means to exact a measurement within eternity, although


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