God's Plan For Man html

supernatural, nature, or God, and/or resulting from superstition; a notion maintained despite evidence to the contrary. Perhaps, like the Samaritans and the woman at the well clarity, is needed. Jesus spoke these words to her and for us: “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.” (John 4: 23-24) The answer to worship in spirit and truth are practical, and They contain a solution to life’s dilemmas from a Divine perspective. Can anyone say that Jesus’ words and perception lacked truth? If the answers given are merely rhetoric from a worldly point of view [even mandates or rules taught by men], the truth is but a pretense, and as such, it will fail. Contemplate, consider and challenge the arguments presented within a house that is clearly divided; delve deeper into the essence or original meaning of the argumentative words. You’ll find theory just does not hold up under close scrutiny, nor do mandates that keep people bound to theory prove accurate! These, when tested, reveal the whole truth for beliefs fall short and cannot be answered, except with another theory. The religious world around us teaches or instructs us on how to love, but seldom are we shown or taught by example. If a loving example is given, it is typically the example of self-love—a hypocritical example to gain recognition. We almost always, are taught incorrectly because those who are of the world could never love us; how can they teach what they don’t know? We’re told that God is love however knowing about love is insufficient. We must experience the immensity of Divine love within. We must experience love in order for true love to be made known. God is the essence of love, and religion—with the greatest of intentions—is a pretense of love. Knowing about love is far different from loving, especially when expressing the love of God. Who has an accurate perception of Jesus’ love? When lives are lived in a dichotomy of right and wrong, love is a pretense. However, as love is made known within a person, that person will always right what is wrong, and dichotomy is a past tense reality. Maybe you will not readily admit to duplicity within you or within those closest to you, but ask the difficult questions; then be honest with your answers. Seeing or recognizing the effects of duplicity only means that there is more to know and more to understand, so you may rise above the limitations that hold one bound. When you reach deeper, please do not say or even think what most all


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