God's Plan For Man html

individually and collectively. You have a free will, and therefore, a choice too.

Faithful to the End—Abraham

Satan and the evil cohort could have been eradicated with the flood, but it was not! Humanity was weak, and human minds became confused once again. Evil once more penetrated the mind, setting up distraction and confusion; false gods—for every reason under the sun—were depicted as figures to be adored. Misunderstanding and denial were obviously present, but life for most seemed good. Abraham, however, heard an interior beckoning to leave his family, deny the false gods, and proceed to follow the inspirations given. Life seemed impossible for Abraham: he would not accept the many false gods, and was open to hearing God, one God. Abraham realized that the internal spiritual stimulation was as if God was speaking, but he didn’t hear the voice of God. What he knew, as if to hear, established his faith. Abraham was convicted by that interior inspiration [as if it were a voice], and he knew what he believed, which made little sense to those around him. He did what was seemingly impossible: he gathered his family and possessions, and wandered in the desert wasteland for years. Encouraging his family to remain constant, their faith was established. That is, they too began to comprehend there was one God. One God was inspiring Abraham, and he was leading them to a better place to be free from evil; to a land where they might honor God in all the correct ways.

Tested time and again, even to the point of thinking He must sacrifice his


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