God's Plan For Man html

the eyes of the world. The humble are more likely to hear His voice in a whisper and listen. Perhaps the best example is that of a person who is hungry. They always appreciate food more than those who are well fed. There is always a purpose, and suffering does not go unnoticed. The lowly that willingly serve God’s purpose shame the strong as God’s power manifests itself through the weak. The witness always points to source, evidencing the power of God in their weakness. Prophetically, there is a profound message that’s not obvious for most. It’s only a mystery, but revelation is a reality at a precise time. It seems that most of humanity suffers from anesthetization, and it is fixed in a theory that supports a worldly perspective, not a Godly perspective as the scriptures accurately reveal. Time seems insufficient, but time is essential for perfect justice to prevail. It is required for the spiritual evolution of humanity to overcome the limitations. Saul defeated himself because of his pride and other attributes that make a man weak. As such David became the popular choice of the people, because the grace of God is clearly seen in David’s person. Evil does not accept defeat easily, and it is quite visible in the pride of those through whom it resides. David’s faith in God as a wise choice is a witness. His faith was founded, having experienced an encounter with a lion and bear he was spared. (1 Samuel 17: 34-37) He trusted in the omnificence of God’s grace and willingly accepted the challenge knowing the basis of such faith. Deliverance and salvation became obvious by a little shepherd’s obedience. A simple stone used to slay the giant is prophetic, relative to today. David is symbolic of the shepherd who will lead the faithful to spiritual prophecy and legacy; however, the faithful’s lineage is not ethnic according to the Hebrew line. In essence, the past prophecies are not completely fulfilled, but they will be completely fulfilled, according to certain characteristics: the essence of names and meanings predict the future. The legacy is given to the Gentile—according to Hebrew understanding of the time. The Philistine soldier was a giant representative of a gigantic spiritual force, such as a belief within the multitudes of people that must be overcome by an insignificant man; a mere man who is anointed as a shepherd similar to David’s role to fulfill the prophecy foretold. Reflect on the meaning of the phrase Jesse’s root [a loving deliverer]: son of David, seed of Abraham, righteous branch, and shepherd of God’s chosen people [Israel]—future tense or in this age. Jesus spoke as no other, and


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