God's Plan For Man html

CHAPTER 7 141 Messiah Expected to Return, Divine Mercy-Not Sacrifice, Holy Spirit of God, Repentance-Time of Fulfillment, PART 3 Third Time (The son [Second Time] – Son of Man (As Brother - Son & Spirit) – (Three as One - in mission and purpose) CHAPTER 8 152 Third Time (An Age-Time Period), Perfect Justice-Armageddon Heaven and Earth, Where is The Kingdom, Transgressions of Humanity, Wordily Views [Knowledge] Distort Mankind’s Perception, Repentance for the Priests/Ministers CHAPTER 9 183 Conclusion-Fulfillment of Another Time, Double Jeopardy, Perfect Love and Love as a Pretense, Salvation and Deliverance CHAPTER 10 198 God Has Shown Us the Way-Truth in Time, Messengers of Light or Darkness, Religious Faults, Zealous - Zealot, Divine Perception is Essential, Spirituality Rising or Falling? Who Sees, Who Does Not See, Protective Hand, Merciful Solution, CHAPTER 11 247

Follow in the Truth- Deceptive, Behavioral Conflict, Order of Melchizedek- King of Salem-King of Righteousness, The World’s Way-Out of Order-Disorder , Two Become One-How?

CHAPTER 12 271 Beastly Life No Longer Possible, CHAPTER 13 280

Walk With Faith in Your Face, The Wide Road-Narrow Road, Love Is An Expression Tribulation, Armageddon-Rapture, Demolition is Purification, CHAPTER 14 Why Two Kings, Theory of Relativity Revealed-E=mc2,



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