IIW 2018 Thomas Lecture

This is the Thomas Lecture delivered at Fabtech, Altlanta -USA as part of IIW Thomas Medal 2018 award sponsored by American Welding Society.

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Standardisation: A valuable tool to clarify global economic exchanges A valuable tool really clarify global ec nomic exchanges ?

2018 Thomas Lecture By Jérôme DIETSCH, Standardisation officer, Institut de Soudure Groupe, France

S t a n d a r d i s a t i o n – A v a l u a b l e t o o l t o ( r e a l l y ) c l a r i f y g l o b a l e c o n o m i c e x c h a n g e s ( ? )

Introduction - The need for standardization


 3000-1300 BCE : first « standardised » practices with units for weights, distances, etc., attributed to the Indus Valley Civilization .

 1 st industrial revolution obviously dramatically increased the need for technical standards.

› The Hartmann Machinenhalle , Germany, 1868.

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INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WELDING – IIW 2018 THOMAS LECTURE Jérôme DIETSCH, Standardisation officer, Institut de Soudure, France

S t a n d a r d i s a t i o n – A v a l u a b l e t o o l t o ( r e a l l y ) c l a r i f y g l o b a l e c o n o m i c e x c h a n g e s ( ? )

Introduction - The need for standardization

▪ Worlwide standardisation gets established during the whole 20 st century


Vienna Agreement





1946-1948: - ISA becomes ISO; - TC 44 is founded; - IIW is created;

1961: Creation of the European Committee for Standardisation.

1901: The Engineering Standards Committee is founded in the UK (became BSI in 1931).

1917-1926: Other national standardisation bodies are created. ISA, the International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations is founded.

1984-2000: - IIW recognized by ISO. - European « New Approach » to technical harmonization and standards - The Vienna Agreement between ISO and CEN is signed in 1991 (but really applied only from 2000).

Mr. André Leroy plays a major role internationally!

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INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WELDING – IIW 2018 THOMAS LECTURE Jérôme DIETSCH, Standardisation officer, Institut de Soudure, France

S t a n d a r d i s a t i o n – A v a l u a b l e t o o l t o ( r e a l l y ) c l a r i f y g l o b a l e c o n o m i c e x c h a n g e s ( ? )

1 - The European “New Approach”

Harmonised standards (HaS)  HaS = EN with additional “features”.

Mandatory adoption in ALL countries of the EU.

 Compliance with HaS provides a “presumption of conformity” to essential requirements (e.g., safety) given in legislation .

Published in all 3 official languages of the EU.

Answers an official request of the European Commission

▪ Examples of subjects covered by regulations referring to Harmonised standards:  Construction Product (Directive 89/106/EEC and Regulation (EU) No 305/2011);  Pressure Equipment (Directive 2014/68/EU);  Simple Pressure Vessels (Directive 2014/29/EU).

European Standard

« Z » annex(es), evaluated by a New


Normative references to be dated (?!)

Common to ALL EN standards

Approach consultant

Specific to « harmonised standards »

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INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WELDING – IIW 2018 THOMAS LECTURE Jérôme DIETSCH, Standardisation officer, Institut de Soudure, France

S t a n d a r d i s a t i o n – A v a l u a b l e t o o l t o ( r e a l l y ) c l a r i f y g l o b a l e c o n o m i c e x c h a n g e s ( ? )

1 - The European “New Approach”

▪ EN 13479, general product standard for filler metals and fluxes  Issues : unclear mandate ; non-availability of CEN consultants… ▪ EN ISO 9606-1, welders qualification testing  Published in 2013 by ISO but only referenced in the OJUE… in February 2018!  Blocked due to the possibility for fabricators to revalidate welders’ qualification without a third party. ▪ EN ISO 15614-1, welding procedures qualification testing  Published in June 2017 by ISO; not yet referenced in OJUE…  Mistakes in Annexes “Z”! New requirement on the normative reference which now have to be dated…!

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INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WELDING – IIW 2018 THOMAS LECTURE Jérôme DIETSCH, Standardisation officer, Institut de Soudure, France

S t a n d a r d i s a t i o n – A v a l u a b l e t o o l t o ( r e a l l y ) c l a r i f y g l o b a l e c o n o m i c e x c h a n g e s ( ? )

1 - The European “New Approach"

▪ Does the European “New Approach” and harmonized European standards really clarify global economic exchanges?

 HaS provide clear guidance to comply with regulations applicable to the European market.

 They do not apply globaly.  Communication between EC, new approach consultants, and standardisation bodies is very formalistic and quite often « out of phase ».

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INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WELDING – IIW 2018 THOMAS LECTURE Jérôme DIETSCH, Standardisation officer, Institut de Soudure, France

S t a n d a r d i s a t i o n – A v a l u a b l e t o o l t o ( r e a l l y ) c l a r i f y g l o b a l e c o n o m i c e x c h a n g e s ( ? )

2 - The Vienna Agreement

Overview  Prevent duplication of work in ISO and CEN;  Parallel voting in both organisations and mutual representation at meetings;  “ISO lead” by default since 2001.

▪ Existing misinterpretations of the Vienna Agreement  Under CEN lead, non-Europeans do not have the right to see or comment on anything until the DIS stage.  Non-Europeans cannot access the CEN standards development processes if there is no relevant ISO/TC /SC.

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INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WELDING – IIW 2018 THOMAS LECTURE Jérôme DIETSCH, Standardisation officer, Institut de Soudure, France

S t a n d a r d i s a t i o n – A v a l u a b l e t o o l t o ( r e a l l y ) c l a r i f y g l o b a l e c o n o m i c e x c h a n g e s ( ? )

2 - The Vienna Agreement

Examples  EN ISO 2553 (symbolic representation on drawings);  Welding consumables classification standards (EN ISO 2560, EN ISO 14171, EN ISO 14341, etc.);  EN ISO 15614-1 (welding procedures qualification testing).  Text splitted in two columns (or tables, etc.) only when requirements differ, or when consensus cannot be achieved. Cohabitation standards  Original solution adopted by the welding community to bridge the gap between European and American/Pacific Rim standards;

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INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WELDING – IIW 2018 THOMAS LECTURE Jérôme DIETSCH, Standardisation officer, Institut de Soudure, France

S t a n d a r d i s a t i o n – A v a l u a b l e t o o l t o ( r e a l l y ) c l a r i f y g l o b a l e c o n o m i c e x c h a n g e s ( ? )

2 - The Vienna Agreement

▪ Does the Vienna agreement and cohabitation standards really clarify global economic exchanges?

 VA encourages development of international standards instead of regional ones.

 Cohabitation standards conflict somehow with the overall purpose of standardisation.  They should only be a provisional solution and not be seen as an acceptable « standard » way to produce standards.

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INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WELDING – IIW 2018 THOMAS LECTURE Jérôme DIETSCH, Standardisation officer, Institut de Soudure, France

S t a n d a r d i s a t i o n – A v a l u a b l e t o o l t o ( r e a l l y ) c l a r i f y g l o b a l e c o n o m i c e x c h a n g e s ( ? )

3 - Terminology work

Overview  Often disregarded by technicians and engineers…  Base of all standardisation activities and even of all oral and written exchanges between human beings!  Defined as : “study of the development, usage and interrelationships of terms within a specified domain”.  Ensure common understanding of a given concept; particularly helpful for translation work.

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INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WELDING – IIW 2018 THOMAS LECTURE Jérôme DIETSCH, Standardisation officer, Institut de Soudure, France

S t a n d a r d i s a t i o n – A v a l u a b l e t o o l t o ( r e a l l y ) c l a r i f y g l o b a l e c o n o m i c e x c h a n g e s ( ? )

3 - Terminology work

▪ Terminology in welding and allied processes  International work handled in IIW Commission VI, in close relationship with ISO/TC 44/SC 7, and, where necessary, with other TCs or SCs;  Gather terms and definition from all other relevant standards in order to ensure their consistency. Purpose is not to create words!

▪ Objective: developing a full set of vocabularies covering all aspects of welding, i.e. ISO/TR 25901 series.  Already available : parts on general terms, welding processes, arc welding.  Published soon : health and safety.  Coming next : laser welding, plastics welding, thermal cutting…

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INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WELDING – IIW 2018 THOMAS LECTURE Jérôme DIETSCH, Standardisation officer, Institut de Soudure, France

S t a n d a r d i s a t i o n – A v a l u a b l e t o o l t o ( r e a l l y ) c l a r i f y g l o b a l e c o n o m i c e x c h a n g e s ( ? )

3 - Terminology work

A huge and time-consuming task:

 about 1000 terms disseminated in all standards under the responsibility of ISO/TC 44 or IIW ;  necessity to request and gather the input of experts on each subject;  networking as a key solution when discussions get stucked. ▪ Example : typical question that would need investigations and discussions: how would you define “braze welding” (or “weld brazing”)?  Very different usages in technical literature; very different positions according to background or education;  Currently, no definition in any ISO document; tackled in the latest revision of AWS A3.0:

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INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WELDING – IIW 2018 THOMAS LECTURE Jérôme DIETSCH, Standardisation officer, Institut de Soudure, France

S t a n d a r d i s a t i o n – A v a l u a b l e t o o l t o ( r e a l l y ) c l a r i f y g l o b a l e c o n o m i c e x c h a n g e s ( ? )

3 - Terminology work

▪ Does terminology in welding and allied processes really clarify global economic exchanges?

 Much of fundamental aspects of welding are covered in ISO (/IIW) deliverables and bring support to specific standardisation activities.

 Problems of ressources ;

discipline often disregarded.

 Current work does not

proactively focus on new concerns or new topics because of the necessity to improve, first, existing sets of terms and definitions.

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INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WELDING – IIW 2018 THOMAS LECTURE Jérôme DIETSCH, Standardisation officer, Institut de Soudure, France

S t a n d a r d i s a t i o n – A v a l u a b l e t o o l t o ( r e a l l y ) c l a r i f y g l o b a l e c o n o m i c e x c h a n g e s ( ? )


▪ International standardisation has a quite short and very “dense” history;

▪ Up to now, much have been accomplished, and substantial efforts have triggered standardisation toward the best globally acceptable solutions, BUT:

Existing regional divergences, originated from cultural and educational legacy will subsist.

Political use of “voluntary standards” refrain the global alignment of industrial practices.

Terminology work is long and challenging, and needs input of experts and sufficient ressources.

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INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WELDING – IIW 2018 THOMAS LECTURE Jérôme DIETSCH, Standardisation officer, Institut de Soudure, France

S t a n d a r d i s a t i o n – A v a l u a b l e t o o l t o ( r e a l l y ) c l a r i f y g l o b a l e c o n o m i c e x c h a n g e s ( ? )

Further considerations…

▪ Retrospectively, modern standardisation has relied on the willingness to bring different cultures and practices together.

› Olle Sturen, Secretary General of ISO, 1969.

As members of the standardisation community, but also as citizens of our time, we do more then ever need to be ambassadors of a free world, made of open-minded individuals, having the willingness to bring people and practices together!

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INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WELDING – IIW 2018 THOMAS LECTURE Jérôme DIETSCH, Standardisation officer, Institut de Soudure, France

S t a n d a r d i s a t i o n – A v a l u a b l e t o o l t o ( r e a l l y ) c l a r i f y g l o b a l e c o n o m i c e x c h a n g e s ( ? )



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INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WELDING – IIW 2018 THOMAS LECTURE Jérôme DIETSCH, Standardisation officer, Institut de Soudure, France

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