IIW 2018 Thomas Lecture

S t a n d a r d i s a t i o n – A v a l u a b l e t o o l t o ( r e a l l y ) c l a r i f y g l o b a l e c o n o m i c e x c h a n g e s ( ? )


▪ International standardisation has a quite short and very “dense” history;

▪ Up to now, much have been accomplished, and substantial efforts have triggered standardisation toward the best globally acceptable solutions, BUT:

Existing regional divergences, originated from cultural and educational legacy will subsist.

Political use of “voluntary standards” refrain the global alignment of industrial practices.

Terminology work is long and challenging, and needs input of experts and sufficient ressources.

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INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WELDING – IIW 2018 THOMAS LECTURE Jérôme DIETSCH, Standardisation officer, Institut de Soudure, France

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