IIW History 1948-1958

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4° Magnetic and Penetrant Fluid Methods of Inspection. On the proposal of Commission V, the IIW has recommended each nationa l delegation to publish a document, prepared by Commission V as a result of a joint investigation; this document is entitled Cons1:derations on magnetic particle inspectio'll of welds (r) . 5° Correlation between Non-Destructive Methods. Research work is in progress which entails the simultaneous inspection by radiography, ultrasonics a nd magnetic means of the same welds, sometimes in laboratories, sometimes on site, with a view ultimately to layi ng clown the best conditions for using each of these methods, which are thought by some to be competitive but wliich a re often complementary . P a rti al results have already been obt a ined (2).


Two broad tasks have been undertaken by Commission V.

a) After an extensive investigation on the methods used in \\'elcled construc– tion in each country, destructive t ests were listed and classified (3).

b) In 1957, the IIW approved, in principle, on the proposal of Commission V, the publication, with the assistance of the Belgian Institute of Welding, of an Atlas of test bars and of m ethods of preparing and using them, which will cont ain brief t echnical commentaries. The purpose of this atlas, which is being prepared by Commission V, is t o facilitate the work of the user who is seeking to find out the characteristics of a testpiece for a given t est by making it unnecessary for him to go back t o the numerous and vviclely scattered sources of information. The atlas will include a n introduction and a page for each t ype of t estpiece, in which will be given, apart from the design of the testpiece, the t ype of test for which it is suited and the metallurgical characteristic3 t o be revealed . There still sub ist s the longstanding desire to be able t o judge the mechanical behaviour of a welded assembly from radiographic examination alone. Signs of this a re to be found in the radiographic Atlas by the German pioneer, Professor R. BERTHOLD. Commission V first und ertook a review of the literature on this subject, the result of which was to make it extremely cautious in its conclusions. vVhile it is und eni able that , in certain particu la r cases, a relationship exists which allows the user t o fo rm worthwhile judgments without hav ing to carry out lengthy tests, this is by no means general (4). If th e Commi ssion continu~s with its wo rk in thi s field in spite of the diffi– culti es, it is because, once a welded construction is in use, only non-destructi ve inspecti on can be ca rri ed out ; it is often on the basis of thi s kin d of inspection of (1) (Essen Assembly 1957. document \ '-3-57-0E.) (~) (:\lr. A. H . GOODG ER , C nited Kingdom, F loren ce 1954 ; Dr. 0. \ ·,\L'PE I., Germa ny , Florence 1954-) (3) (Amma l repo rts 1949- 1957.) (4) (Repo rt h:· i\[r. K . DE :\1 :-:TEI{, :t\etherl a nds, F lorence 195 4.) III. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE RADIOGRAPH OF A WELD AND ITS ME CHANICAL BEHAVIOUR .

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