IIW History 1948-1958

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either as important or as clearcut as it is today. The special p rocesses known_ at the time of the fo undation of the IIvV have develop ed since then and have been applied to new met als and alloys while other such processes h ave made their appearance ; there is therefore no cause to regret that adequat e time was avail– able for reflexion and observation before a special Commission was appointed, p articularly as various problems had already been tackled by Commission IL \Nhen Commission X II was set up, Mr. KoMERS benefitted from the colla– horntion of Mr. (jERRI'l'SEN (Netherlands) who, as Vice-Chairman of Commission II, was in a position to facilitat e the transfer t o the new Commission of questions previously studied by Commission II. The t erms of reference of the Commission were fairly wide and it was neces– sary at the start t o appoint \Norking groups t o investigate both the problems peculi ar to the various processes and also t hose common to several of them. Decisions taken in 1957 have resulted in the work of the Commission now being div ided as follows : Submerged arc, continuous covered electrodes processes. Gas shielded processes (ferrous met als) . Gas shielded processes (non-ferrous met als) . Other special processes. Investigation of weld metal deposited by all p rocesses . Power sources for all processes. Terminology. 3 . WORK IN HAND . It is still t oo early to be able to report on completed \Vo rk because, like the– other Commissions, Commission X II st a rted by finding out what research work h ad been undertaken in the member countries and what r esults h ad been achieve d before starting work on its own programme of studies. A certain number of subj ects, the discussion of which has now reached a more or less advanced stage, may , hmvever, be mentioned. As regards submerged arc welding, the Commission is trying to det ermine· the bases for the classification of fluxes. A proposal drafted by Mr. L . \~lOLFF (Germany) is at present being studied, and experiments are being carried out to determine to wh at ext ent fluxes can be classified by the influence which they exercise on the chemical composition of the weld metal and t o what ext ent this. influence is independent of the operating condit ions. Some important work has already been done on the subj ect of depositecl met al. This has been dealt with without reference to the welding process, at least as regards the choice of methods fo r determining the mechanical properties. A draft by Mr. E . :MAGNUSSON (S·weden) is at present under discussion . Further– mor e, the Commission has considered t wo reports, one on of cracking - 5 1,mimary of worl

(.r ) Document X II-C-17-57.

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