IIW History 1948-1958

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been dealt with separately though account has, of course, been taken of their interdependence ; in addition, the matters to be studied have themselves become more and more numerous as work has advanced. During the first years of the Commission's work, the subjects principally examined related to design and calculation. At present, work is divided between four Sub-Commissions : Sub-Commission A - Calculation of welded constructions subject to static loading. B Calculation of welded constructions subject to dynamic loading. C - Design for welding. D - Edge preparation for fusion welding. The Chairman of Sub-Commissions A and D is Dr. F. KoENIGSBERGER (United Kingdom); Sub-Commission C has been under the Chairmanship suc– cessively of Mr. GRIESE (Germany) and Mr. DUNKER (Germany), while the Chairman of the Commission, Dr. GUERRERA (Italy) has been temporary Chairman of Sub-Commission B. Apart from these Sub-Commissions, a working group has recently been set up under the Chairmanship of Mr. HEBRANT (Belgium) with the object of studying whether, in welded construction, the more or less 1J1arked difference which generally exists between the yield point of the parent metal and that of the weld metal in welded constructions may have disadvantages in certain cases. This question was referred to Commission XV by Commission IX (Behaviour of metals subjected to welding). The work of Commission XV began in Copenhagen in 1953 by the study of subjects now falling within the terms of reference of Sub-Commission D. After same years of work, the Commission proposed to the Governing Council, which gave its approval, that a document concerning Edge preparation for Fusion Welding (r) should be published. In this document, all the most usual t ypes of preparation for arc welding, gas welding and submerged arc welding are dealt with. For each type of preparation indicated, information is given on the relationship between the various dimensions and, if necessary, on the limitations of use. The Commission ha~ stressed the importance of, and devoted much attention to, the question of the preparation of joints because it was conscious of the necessity of providing draughtsmen with clear data on preparations, which often play an essential role with regard to the quality of the joints them– selves . Appropriate experimental work was also undertaken to check that several of the recommendations which appear in the document rested on sound principles. At the same time, Sub-Commission A began its work by examining the state, in the different countries, of the rules for design calculation for welded joints in order to see whether an attempt to establish common methods would be justified, either by reason of excessive differences in the results of the application of these rules or because of gaps in the rules themselves. For this purpose, eight types of element ary assemblies were chosen and the measurements given, includ– ing the position and direction of the load applied, these being necessary to ea!- )) )) )) )) )) )) 3. WORK ACCOMPLISHED AND IN HAND.

(r) Document XY-55-57.

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