IIW History 1990-2015

appendix 5

IIW PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIATS Over the years since its formation in 1948, membership of IIW has spread around the globe as demonstrated by the countries of origin of its Presidents, representing nations in all regions of the world. Until 1995, IIW’s operation was supported by two Secretariats provided by Member Societies – a General Secretariat in the UK provided by TWI and a Scientific and Technical Secretariat in France provided by the Institut de Soudure. After that time, a single Secretariat was provided in France. President Term Country G. B. Marquis 2014-2017 FINLAND B. Raj 2011-2014 INDIA U. Dilthey 2008-2011 GERMANY C. Smallbone 2005-2008 AUSTRALIA B. Pekkari 2002-2005 SWEDEN B. Braithwaite 1999-2002 UK Y. Fujita 1996-1999 JAPAN R. Timerman 1993-1996 ARGENTINA N. F. Eaton 1990-1993 CANADA R. V. Salkin 1987-1990 BELGIUM F. Wallner 1984-1987 AUSTRIA J. F. Skriniar 1981-1984 CZECHOSLOVAKIA U. Girardi 1978-1981 ITALY B. Jakobsson 1975-1978 SWEDEN H. G. Geerlings 1972-1975 NETHERLANDS W. Soete 1969-1972 BELGIUM F. L. Plummer 1966-1969 USA


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