IIW History 1990-2015

appendix 9

IIW INTERNATIONAL CONGRESSES AND COLLOQUIA IIW International Congresses hosted by Member Societies in regions around the world, bring together people from industry, government and training bodies to promoting appropriate welding technologies and share ideas on how the improvement of welding in the region could lead to raising the general quality of life of people through the IIW WeldCare programme. Congresses also promote the benefits available through IIW expertise, knowhow, and education, training, qualification and certification programmes for the advancement of nations in the region. IIW Welding Research and Collaboration Colloquia provide a unique opportunity for international researchers from universities, industries and governments to meet, present, and discuss the research and development work they are conducting, or planning to do, alone or in cooperation with other researchers. They provide unique networking and career promotion opportunities for young professionals and encourage participation in IIWAnnual Assemblies and technical Working Units. A calendar of future events is found on the IIW website www.iiwelding.org IIW International Congresses

Year Host Country Title of Congress 2015 Romania

3rd IIW South East European IIW International Congress: Welding and Joining Technologies for a Sustainable Development and Environment, Timi oara 3 rd IIW International Congress: Advancement in Welding, Cutting & Surfacing Technologies for Improved Economy, Reliability & Sustainable Environment, New Delhi 1st IIW International Congress in the Arctic Region, Vancouver 1st Pan American IIW International Congress, Sao Paulo Asia-Pacific IIW International Congress: Recent Development in Welding and Joining Technologies, Singapore

2014 India

2014 Canada 2014 Brazil 2013 Singapore


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