IIW History 1990-2015

The meeting was arranged by Mr André Charbonnier who had taken up the role of CEO of the IIW Secretariat on the retirement of Mr Daniel Beaufils in February 2008. Charbonnier had held a senior position in the Institut de Soudure and was to work closely with the IIW President, in particular assisting Member Countries to implement the IIW Manufacturer Certification Scheme. Within a year, Charbonnier was offered another very senior position within the French institute and unfortunately resigned from the IIW Secretariat to take up this new role. The position of IIW CEO was then filled by Dr-Ing. Cécile Mayer in 2009. She had been working as Manager International Standardization at the Institut de Soudure, responsible for the strategic orientation of the standardisation programme and representing France during meetings, as well as successfully chairing the IIWWG-COM&MARK since 2005. The discussions at theTG-GOV, given the people attending themeeting, did centre on governance with respect to IAB issues and the operation of the IIW/EWF scheme. In the closing stages of the discussion, von Hofe did ask a pertinent question that was difficult to foresee. ‘If there is competition between IIW and one of its members, or between ANBs, is it a legal issue or an internal one?’ 20 The initial work of TG-GOV was to establish a draft governance manual in line with the French Governance Association Scheme, including the structure, manual, and the terms

IIW Governance Structure

FrenchAssociationregistered to thePublicAuthority (Préfecture); IIWConstitution2013 Stakeholders:countries,companies,universities,schools,students,governments,researchgroups,ANB,ANBCCs,ATBs Mission: Act as the worldwide network for knowledge exchange of joining technologies to improve the global quality of life

GENERALASSEMbLY (Articles9 to14) (all Member Country Representatives)

Duty toact ingood faithwithcareand diligence in organisation’sbest interest

Appoints theBoardof Directors


GovernanceAdvisorybodies (e.g.Audit,RiskandCompliance) formedbyandaccountable to theBoardofDirectorsprovide recommendationsongovernance mattersonly.Thesearenot operationaldecisionmaking bodies.

Dealswith governancematters: Setsstrategy,makes policy,monitors performance

Appoints,delegates authority to,directs andmonitors the CEO

Control Governance

bOARDOfDIRECTORS (Articles15 to21)

Hierarchical link: Setsobjectivesand monitorsperformance Functional link: Monitorsandensures correctprocedures

Accountable for operational performance, achievementand conduct



bOARDOfDIRECTORS WORkINGGROuPS RegionalActivities Standardisation Communications&Marketing



Operations Committees

*IABoperational management isperformed by the IABSecretariat


Integrity Ensuring straightforward dealing and completeness, based on honesty,selflessnessandobjectivity,andensuringhighstandardsof probityandpropriety in theconductof theassociationandcomplaint decision making. Clarity of purpose Ensuring that stakeholders know why the IIW exists and what it

IIW governance str cture

LINKING PEOPLE, JOINING NATIONS IIWhasbeenanot-for-profitAssociationunderFrench lawsince1996. The current governance scheme shown above ensures that the powers are owned by the Members; the governing tasks being under the control of the Board of Directors and operational aspects managed by the CEO.

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