IIW White Paper

8 Needs and challenges for global communication

Major strategies of WeldCare include: Development of mechanisms to introduce the model to different countries and regions of the world. To establish, implement and sustain national and regional networks of Technology Support Centres and Educational Support Centres. Identification of “champions” around the world to help promote WeldCare. Liaison with aid agencies to support the model. Assisting in the establishment of national welding institutes and associations. Liaison with industry and government. Implementation of campaigns to help raise the “image of welding“. Establishment of recognition awards for organisations and individuals involved in education and training around the world.

Over the past 20 years, many examples can be given of projects where IIW member countries have assisted both member and non-member countries to improve their welding technology and hence quality of life. The main emphasis is on education, training, qualification and certification.

IIW is actively cooperating with Aid Agencies to expand these types of projects through its IIW Weldcare Programme.


Through Optimum Use and Innovation of Welding and Joining Technologies

Improving Global Quality of Life

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