Joining nations 1947-1990
found in the definitive documents which they have produced. Some of these are referred to in the chapters recording the development of the IIW but it was impossible to do justice, on however selective a basis, to this aspect of the IIW's achievement without overloading the narrative. Instead, certain significant publications or types of publication, together with relevant policy matters, are briefly discussed in a separate chapter. The working units responsible for these documents are presided over by Chairmen whose competence and goodwill have been an indispensable factor in the IIW's continuing existence in its present form. It has not proved possible to mention more than a few Chairmen by name, and then fo r other reasons, in the text of this book, but all their names are recorded in Appendix II, together with the titles, in many cases subject to change, of the units over which they have presided. It can hardly be too strongly emphasized that all the Chairmen of the working units and the hundreds of their members who, over the years, have participated in the activities of the IIW, have done so gratis and that no task performed by a Chairman, delegate or expert has ever been paid for by the IIW. It has to be recognised that delays have sometimes been occasioned by the obligation to give priority to . the business of an employer over that of the IIW, but there is no , ) doubt that the personal conviction of members of the working units has been one of the strengths of the Institute . While the work of the staffs of the two Secretariats has been remunerated by the IIW, the Institute has been fortunate to com– mand the loyalty of a number of staff members who have served it with a dedication out of all proportion to their remuneration. Most of their names go unrecorded but an exception is made for the following whose contributions to the Institute deserve particularly to be re– membered: the late Mlle] Defond, Mme R Holtz, Mme F Lavarenne, Mme C Levy, Mrs E Miskin, Mrs A Oehler, the late Lady Owen, Mme G Paratore, Mme M Poisson, the late M C Poisson. While the author of this study is entirely responsible for the opinions expressed in it and for any errors of commission or omission which it may contain, he would like to thank Mr M Bramat, Mr F R Coe, Mr] Hicks and Mr R P Newman for much help and advice and Mrs Nadine Earp for her assistance in making available the records consulted in its preparation. He would also wish to thank the Execu– tive Council of the II\V for authorising him to make use of this material.
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