Joining nations 1947-1990
Co111111issio11 XVI 1962 Welding of plastics
1962 G-A Homes (B) 1972 CH Voelker (D) 1973 J de Koning (NL) 1979 H Potente (D)
Study Croups 212 1962 Arc physics
1962 L F Defize (NL) 1965 J F Lancaster (UK) 1976 C Poisson (F) 1980 C Poisson (F) 1982 R Bryant (UK)
1978 Physics of welding 1976 Thesaurus and exchange of abstracts 1980 Scientific and technical information
1984 Y Arata (])
1984 Welding research strategy and
1986 G Oyler (USA) 1989 R Dolby (UK)
Select Co111111ittees 1976 Standardization
1976 H Granjon (F) 1986 M Evrard (F) 1977 H Granjon (F) 1985 M Bramat (F) 1977 H Granjon (F) 1984 H Hoffmeister (D) 1984 KJohnson (UK) 1986 M Malik (D)
1977 Aluminium and aluminium alloys
1977 Underwater welding
1984 Microjoining
1986 Surfacing and thermal spraying
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