2021 - November Beacon

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September 9, 2021



Debbie Siwek

Approval of new members Jeanne & Bill Kidwell Motion by: Gary Jialanella Second by : P/C Bill Calihan Motion : Carried by all


Melissa Winkler

Not a lot of updates as of now. The September Beacon is complete. End of report


Gary Jialanella

All correspondences are out: save the date for GMM in October, bylaws change, dues increase change, and candidate information is all sent out. Gary is in the process of finishing election materials, and they will be out next week. Gary asked if the candidate bios can be sent in a Fan Out, the board agreed to print and send the bios. End of report


Al Douglas

Al is working on a supply order, tomorrow 8 barrels of beer will be delivered. End of report


Tom Lisowski

Tom received a text from P/C Randy Pagel saying that Fin 2 is not shutting off properly. Tom consulted Daryl Campbell and adjusted the RPM’s, and this seemed to help the problem. Tom also checked Fin 2 for leaks, and it is dry. Tom contacted Board Walk Management at Put-in Bay about their harbor taxis and is waiting on a call back. Tom is being persistent about finding a new vessel. End of report

Fleet Captain/Harbor Master

Scott Goemmel

Fleet Captain Finalizing the closeout of the year with Dennis Alcazar. He will reimburse me upon his return from Florida and the year should be all booked (revenue - expenses) and have a net surplus to the club. Harbor Master Once the 2022 Harbor Master is appointed, I would appreciate spending time together to ensure that the work done over the last couple years is handed over - have a few templates and the process this year went well. Few tweaks are needed, but I think I have a good handle on ensuring this runs as smooth as it can.

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