2022 - May Beacon

Next, scroll down to "reserve group hold", click on this section. Enter group hold code, NCYC2022 The next screen will allow you to put in your boat information.

You may only see, St Clair > LW (this is only giving you the long wall map info) Click on St Clair to the left of LW to see the map of boat docks and wells available for us.

We have the 300 and 400 docks and a few on LW for larger boats. Next, click on the appropriate dock based on size of your boat.

The 300 dock will display docks 1, 2 and 3. The 400 dock will display docks 4, 5 and 6. To maneuver between the 300 and 400 docks, you need to click on St Clair to left of dock displayed. Available wells will be highlighted with green stars, reserved wells are highlighted with red stars Hover over the well you want to reserve and select to make your reservation. You are now ready to enjoy a fabulous weekend in St Clair!

Your Fleet Captain Team is very excited for our rendezvous! Stay tuned for more details!

Kim, Sharon & Susan 2022 Fleet Captain Team

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