2024 - 02 - Beacon

Commodore’s Comments: PC Rick Romatz

As I’m sitting here putting this article together, I’m thinking Wow what an Awesome 2024 Commodore’s Ball we had at the Marriot Auburn Hills with Great Food, Accommodations, Entertainment and Amazing Camaraderie with great friends. If you missed this party, you missed out on the largest most elegant NCYC party of the year a fun time was had by all. Thank you to all of you for supporting and coming out to help with the set up for the Commodores Ball and for all the help behind the scenes helping with the preparations there was a lot of work going on to make this even such the success it was so Thank You to this entire Board and many members who pitched to help. Jill and I are also Grateful for some special help from people like my son Brendan, MC PC Bill Hendricks PC Brian Fringer Chaplain Mark Javery and PC Brian McEvoy for the help getting through the evening program. Renee McEvoy for Favors, Sue Brooks & Rachel Fringer organizing Flowers, Grand March, Reservations and seating arrangements, Gary and Shelly Schroka and Tracey Henkel for the help with Center Piece’s and Making flower’s and Carla Verkest & Cathy Scarpaci for the desert table and decorations, this just goes to show you how this club and its membership can come together to make these events successful. Thank You all. Looking forward into 2024 for NCYC a couple of winter events just around the corner our Rear Commodore Terry Steinmacher and Kathy Fowler are putting together Pinball Arcade Event March 3rd

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