2024 - 02 - Beacon

NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes January 11, 2024 Page 8 of 8



1. Project Update. Brief updates discussed.

2. Dues Increase 2024. Board discussed whether an increase should be proposed and submitted for Membership approval; topic to be evaluated during subsequent meetings. 3. Board Selected Nominating Committee. Board discussed current practice and conformity with applicable By-Law. 4. JYC Request incoming Rendezvous July 12-14 - Club outgoing Rendezvous. Tabled until February Board meeting. 5. Chris Adkins PIBYC Request for 3 boat Incoming Rendezvous July 5-7 weekend. Discussed and request denied. 6. Craig Sloan Request 3 boat Incoming Rendezvous 7-28 to 8-1 and also 1 boat 8-4 to 8-8. Discussed and request denied.

7. Island Party Request Tom Loy 6-12-2024. Request considered and denied.

8. Island Party Request John and Diane Caldwell, 6/12/2024.

Motion: Philip Maniaci to approve Caldwell request. Second: V/C Burkhardt. Motion Carried

9. Wertz Warrior’s Poker Run Wednesday 7 -17-2024; no Mgr at this time. Tabled temporarily.

10. Scott Goemmel, 4 Clubs Approx 40 boats Incoming Rendezvous 7-21 to 7-25-2024. Motion: Mark Javery to approve Goemmel request. Second: Bill Frederiksen. Motion Carried

11. Discussion/Approval of Committees – February Meeting.

12. Two Brick Paver Approval: Klicki and P/C Jarvis

Motion: Philip Maniaci to approve brick pavers request. Second: Mark Javery. Motion Carried

13. Discussion of possible BOD Meeting venue change

Adjournment 10:04 p.m.

Motion: Philip Maniaci to adjourn. Second: V/C Burkhardt. Motion Carried

Next Meeting

Date and Time: February 8, 2024. 7:00 pm.

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