NCYCRegularMeetingMinutes Page2of 7


Commodore, JohnAnderson

Herewego ....Milemarker 25andaquarter of theway into this year. Youall aredoing great! TheDirectors, normallybehind the scenes are shiningnow. Activities,Membershipand Publications. NextmonthalreadyandHarbor&Grounds, Clubhouse, Transportationand Supplieswill be shifting intohighgear prepping for the season. As always,my two right-hand menarehardatwork, Treasurer and Secretary. Weareall coming together asoneof thebest Boards that I've seen. Iwant you to know that I appreciateall of your hardworkanddedication that youput into these jobsof yours. It's you thatmakes our Club theBest on the Lake. This eveningwehavea very importantmeetingaheadof us. Wehave to takeagood lookat Membershipgenerated incomeanddeterminewherewe standat thispoint. Quiteabit hinges on those revenues andweneed tobeaccurate inour assessment ofwherewe stand financially. Another areaof discussion thatwewill haveandalso itwill continueon for nextmonth is the NCYC loan. Wehave come toapointwherewehave todeterminehowbest to serviceour debt. Wehave todeterminewhat'sbest not only for the immediate situationbut also the long- termdurationof this issue. Nextmonth is going tobeour JointMeetingwith theFirstMates. Itwill beheldhereat Crew's Inn. TheFirstMates are looking forwaysbest tohelpout our Club. Tonight thatwill bea topic of discussion for us. I'd like to lookat not only the immediate termbut also try todetermine whatmaybeneeded for next year aswell. Awider scopeof ideasmayprovemorebeneficial to all concerned.

So,withall thisbeing said, let'shaveagoodmeeting tonight.


ViceCommodore, BrianMcEvoy

After spending theweekendatMidlandat theABYA spring rendezvous, I am looking forward to getting togetherwithall of ourmembers at the springworkparties. Wehadagreat timeat Midland thisweekend. NCYCwas the largest club inattendance, about 35 to40%was the NCYCgroup.

I amexcited tohear thatwearehavinga jointmeetingwith the FirstMatesnextmonth. They help somuchwith theClub. It's always good toget together to share ideas.


Rear Commodore, Chuck Stroh

Absent Excused. No report.

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