NCYCRegularMeetingMinutes Page4of 7
MotionCarried. Bobalso stated that SandPoint Yacht Clubwanted to comeonAugust 2,3,4. Motion: MovedbyDonReiss toallowSandPoint to comeonAugust 2,3,4. Seconded
byBrentMalik. MotionCarried.
Bobalso stated that, aspreviouslyapproved,Great LakesCruisingClubwill come to the islandonAugust 22,23,24, and JeffersonYacht Clubwill comeonAugust 15,16,17. A letterwas received fromPCGaryBarnard regardingSelfridge coming to the islandon August 19, andThe LionsClub coming to the islandonAugust 20th. Motion: MovedbyBobCarnaghi toallowSelfridge to come to the islandonAugust 19th. SecondedbyDonReiss. MotionCarried. Motion :MovedbyBrianMalik toallowThe LionsClub to come to the islandonAugust 20th. SecondedbyDonReiss. MotionCarried.
Clubhouse - RichGoodman Absent Excused. NoReport
Harbor&Grounds –DonReiss Don indicated that hewas still looking for someone todo the flowers around theNCYC sign.
Membership- BrianMalik Brianwent over thebudget andmaintenance items in regards tomembership. There werea fewdiscrepancies in thenumbers. Brian indicated that in some instances Club Express isnot correct in reportingourmembershipwhich is affecting thenumbers. Club Expressonly reportswhatwe input. SoBrianwent over thenames thatwere in question. It is important thatwe cleanupClubExpress andget all information current. This is also important so the roster canbe sent outwith correct information. Brianalso indicated that themembership shouldgo in to theNCYCWeb Siteandmake sureall of their information is correct. A letterwas received fromZachBlackburn requesting tobea JuniorMember.
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