FinallySpring is uponus and it’s getting closer to that long sought- after daywe’veall beenwaiting for. Boat LaunchDay! Anywhere from nowand throughMay boatsarebeing readiedand launchedafter a longbout withOldManWinter. I’m confident that we’regoing tohave a fantastic season this year. In fact, if my recent dreamsareany indicationof what’s to come, therearegoing to beendlessdays of sunshine, clear skies andgentlebreezes. Yup, I can see it now. NCYC is beckoningus now.Well to get thereweneeda little time in sprucing theOl’ Gal up.We need toget abit of rakingdone, flowers plantedand shaking thedust off of where it settled from thewinter season. I hope that you can set aside some time onaSaturday for a couplehours tohelpus get things right at our Club.

StartingApril 12and throughMay 3 rd , we have theEliteBrigade reporting for duty. These four Saturdaysareusuallyhandsonwork doingeither repairs,maintenanceor projects needed to bedonebefore theactual cleanupgets underway. It’s agood time toget to knowother members andwork alongside themwhiledoingneededworkat theClub. TwoSaturdays in May on the10 th and17 th are scheduledwork partieswhere the cleanup, plantingand suchare done.Whatever your choice, anyof thesedays counts for part of your work hours. Lunch is providedonall of thesedays aswell as the camaraderie that goeswith it.WENEEDYOUR HELP! Therewill beFanOuts to remind youof upcomingevents. AnupdatedCalendar of Events for 2014 is included in this issueof theBeacon. Takea lookandmakeplansnow to enjoywhat weareoffering to you this season. I’mhoping that we canprovideahavenof RELAXATUDE … aplace to get away from thehectic scheduleof our lives. My goal is to seea smileon your facewhen leavingafter a funweekendat NorthChannel Yacht Club. I have toput a shout out toall of youabout this great news that I’ve heard recently. After a lot of nail-bitinganduncertainty…KIDSDAY2014 is a reality this year! R/CChuck andSandy Strohhavegraciouslyoffered tomanage this traditional event. I’vealways thought that this day catering to our kidswas important formany reasons. It’s part of what wepromoteabout what our Club stands for inprovidinga family atmosphere for all of us toenjoy. So,mark your calendars for Saturday June14 th andplan to attend. Please, if youwill, offer anyassistance that theymay need inputting this event on for us. We’re fast-approaching thedeadline for theREDUCED INITIATIONFEE for this year. Please, if you knowof someone interested inmembership toour Club remind themof this fee reduction. Theoffer is gooduntilMay 1 st and the full Club schedule is awaiting themby joining NOW!

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