Vice Commodores Comments…
For those of you who attended the Commodore’s Ball, I am sure you will agree that it was a fantastic venue and a great time was had by all. It was wonderful to see so many of our members in attendance, especially our past commodores. Many thanks to Commodore Pat and his Lady Nancy for hosting an enjoyable evening. As we start the month of February, it is exciting to see so many postings regarding the short amount of time left until the start of spring and boating season. Although Punxsutawney Phil is predicting 6 more weeks of winter, many of us are already visiting our boats and making plans for launch dates. Speaking of launch dates, the opening of the club is just over three months away. Our Club Secretary, Glenn Nixon, is working hard on assigning dates for everyone to get their work hours in for 2017. As your Vice Commodore, I look forward to working with Commodore Pat and Rear Commodore Ian as well as our new Board members, as we steer the ship toward another successful year at NCYC.
Regards, V/C Randy Pagel
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