July 4th, our Independence Day, can be remembered with the following written by the Grandmother of Sue Brooks.

“A Toast to Old Glory” by Mabel Mc Callum

Come, drink a toast to Old Glory The flag of the free and the brave. Come, drink a toast to the colors And the country o’er which they wave. Come, utter a pledge of allegiance And pray to the Lord up above. Come, sing a song full of praises For the country we’ve learned to love. Come, drink a toast to Old Glory And mean it, with all your heart. Come, prove to your Old Uncle Sam That you’re trying to do your part.

Verse of the day from Ephesians 4:2-3 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace. A thought on this reading; we all are abusers of many things. The Holy Spirit reaches out to us with his truths as well as reminds us that relationships both here on earth and in Jesus’ church require a lot of love, personal love, sacrifice to show our love for our master.

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