Commodores Comments…

The summer is really flying by. June was a busy month with some great events. My thanks to Don Ruma for putting on the Great Smoke and to PC Brian and Renee McEvoy and crew for the fantastic Surf and Turf dinner. Next was our first Rendezvous, held at Algonac Harbor Club. The weather threatened a few times but it did not stop us from having a great time. Kids Day was very well attended. It was hard to tell which activity the kids enjoyed the most. The water slide, the games, the raffle, or the soaking of the Flag. Thanks to Greg and Amy Wojtalik for putting on this hectic activity. July holds more good times starting with the Commodores cruise to Mackinac Island. Christmas in July returns July 21-23 and the Floatdown on July 29th. Please plan on coming to the club and taking part in these great events. There is also a recruitment Open House being held on July 15th, bring a friend to the island and let’s try to sign up some new members. Come out to the island and enjoy it, The summer is really flying by.

Commodore Pat

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