NCYC GMr Meeting Minutes

26 May 2018

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3 Junior Member resignations Publications –

Ron Draper Talked about the roster. Welcomed new members into club. Was able to get all members in roster this year. See Kim Miedema to get updated roster photo taken. Advertising revenue up from last year. $4110 in gross income this year, up from last year. New members Al Douglas and Mike Kelly bought ads this year. Total cost for 2018 roster was $3546. Bought 315 copies this year at a cost of $11.05 per copy. Will be passing out rosters after meeting. If by chance you don’t get your roster this weekend, after today, rosters will be stored in liquor room until 7/26, then he will mail out. Please make an effort to pick up your roster as I prefer not to mail. Updated all personal information in roster. Any corrections, let him know. OD schedule now 2 pages, not 4. Now have an editable copy of the by-laws with specified versions so we know which is the most up to date copy. Consolidated a lot of info for less pages to reduce cost. Discussed eBeacon and the website. Secretary – Glenn Nixon Doing well for weekend coverage. Need extra help on Dale Hall’s weekend and Smoke On the Water weekend. OD packets for mangers are available. Did update them. Should have received email from Glen if you’re managing this year. 2018 calendar of events updated on the club website. Working on updating the document section of website. A note from Brian Fringer: deposit tickets for weekend or weekday deposits, make sure you name is written on ticket. P/C Ken Smith will be updating. Supplies – Dale Hall Trying to make a few improvements to bar. We now have regular Budweiser on tap. Brought in new beers: Kilian’s and IPA. A question was asked about which button to use for the various beers. Three beers on right are $2, two in the middle are $3 and the 3 on the left are microbrews. Talked about the new room temperature wines available. Discussed wine supply changes. Added recycle containers behind bar. V/C Blackburn commented the new POS system is to make the process of switching prices for special outside events easier. Discussed party prices, can use swipe card. Level 1 prices everyday member prices, party prices on level 2 with swipe of card. Level 3 card for day events with guests. Can be done by swiping card. Transportation – Darryl Campbell Fin one (workboat) Fin one was launched Thursday May 3 rd , and upon startup it was discovered there was no water circulation. Upon investigation it was discovered that the water pump drive was sheared. Being that the drive on this boat is from a mid-60’s Owen Marine conversion no replacement parts are to be found. A repair was initiated with hopes that it will suffice for some time. An alternative coolant supply system is now being configured and financed by an anonymous donor. Fin Two (the Mackie with the blue top). The hull underwent an extensive visual inspection for any further possible leakage and the existing repair inspected. Everything looked satisfactory. The top was restrung by Rocky Richards and Mark Schoen requiring 100’ of nylon cord and 4 ½ hours of tedious labor. The hull’s rub rail area was sanded and painted a light blue to cover the multiple docking scars. The hull was lightly sanded and painted with antifouling paint and was

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