NCYC General Membership Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 8

In closing, our thoughts and prayers are with the people of France during this very difficult time. Words cannot express our sadness, sympathy and support. Thank you V ice-Commodore’s Comments: Vice Commodore, Chuck Stroh Thanks to everyone for coming tonight. This is an important meeting, since we will be approving the budget for next year, and the future projects. Rear Commodore, Pat Carroll Thanks to Brian and Renee for a great year. Thank you to all of you who are attending this meeting. Financial Report Treasurer, Frank Corcoran Financial report covered in the 'new business' section. ABYA Report: P/C John Anderson In lieu of the December ABYA General Membership Meeting, the ABYA 2015 Commodores Christmas Ball will be held on December 5, at Fernhill Country Club. Tickets are still available for the ABYA Christmas Ball. This will be my last meeting before the membership. Congratulations to all of the incoming and outgoing Board members. Rear-Commodore’s Comments:


Activities - Kim Miedema Thanks for all who participated this year in our events. It was a good year.

Clubhouse - PC Hugh Vestal There is one big hole where the bar used to be. There are a lot of people helping out to fix it. I will be turning over this job to Scott Greenfelder, the new Clubhouse Director for next year.

Harbor & Grounds – Don Reiss

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