January 2024 Beacon

Commodore’s Comments: PC Rick Romatz

Happy New Year to all of my North Channel Yacht Club Friends, Family, and the entire Membership Jill and I are excited to get moving with the 2024 Boating season with many Fun-Filled activities planned for the upcoming year and with the help of our Fleet Captains Shelly and Gary Schroka who are busy planning some Awesome Rendezvous and the help of the great teamwork from our Board of Directors this is going to a great year full of Camaraderie, Fellowship , and a lot of Memories to be made. We would like to remind everyone that NCYC is a private, members-only, working club. As a working club, please remember we are working toward a common goal that creates strong bonds and lifelong friendships. NCYC is a great big family, and we need to remember to treat everyone with respect. We only have a couple of projects going on this year that need to be completed prior to the fitting out weekend one being the much needed replacement of the ice maker condensing units which it looks like our Club House Director Bill Frederiksen has completely under control. And the second would be the re-decking of A-Dock and Battleship Row making it safer for members this project was made possible by the donation our own First Mates Thank You all for what you do for our Club. As we prepare for the Spring, please stay engaged and look for opportunities to volunteer, participate and use your talents to make the greatest club on the water even better. We as a Board and Flag welcome all your ideas and expertise to ensure all our

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