January 2024 Beacon

Member of the Month

November - Tom Stackpoole The NCYC Flag and Board of Directors have elected Tom Stackpoole with Member of the Month for October 2023. As we all know, Tom is very much a people person while sitting in the clubhouse having a Bud Light with a few of his friends, (off the clock of course), once his chores are completed. I have heard many times, after he has left the clubhouse after his final, final, that Linus has left the building, as they were heading to get the broom and dustpan to clean up the little surprises that he would leave behind, such as grass clippings along with various other things. With all kidding aside, as we all know, Tom is an artist whether he is riding around our beautifully landscaped island on the Lexmark, or has in his hands a weed whacker, hedge trimmer, trimming the trees to a perfect and even height which he likes to refer to as his trademark. Whether you’re a member or a guest visiting for the first time, or weekly the first thing you see is the beautiful landscaping throughout the island. And as the Harbor and Grounds Director, I can tell you that you make my job very easy and I receive a lot of complements on how beautiful the island is. The credit is all yours Sir. I’m sure I can speak for everyone; we all appreciate your hard work for what you do for the appearance of the grounds on a daily basis, and look forward to many more years of your artistry.

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